Petzl Spin




Technical Specifications

NFPA 1983 Pulley General Use

Sheave Diameter: 38mm
Rope Diameter: 7-13mm
Efficiency: 95%

Stainless steel

MBS: 36kN
WLL: 2 x 4kN = 8kN

Spin L1: 290g
Spin L2: 480g

Manufacturer’s Product Code
Spin L1: P001BA00
Spin L2: P001CA00

A High Efficiency Swivel Pulley


The Petzl Spin is a high efficiency pulley featuring a built-in swivel. The swivel allows the pulley to easily align itself with the direction of pull, orientating the pulley under load and facilitating handling. Add to this the moving side plate that facilitates reeving without the need to disconnect the pulley from the anchor and you have a pulley that is designed for maximum simplicity when setting up complex hauling systems.

Available in the single-sheave Spin L1 or double-sheave Spin L2 versions. The Petzl Spin also comes in a unidirectional faceted sheave version, the Spin L1D, which facilitates additional braking when lowering heavy loads.

Features of the Petzl SPIN include:-

  • It is available in either a single(L1) or double(L2) sheave version
  • That the triple action mechanism prevents accidental opening of the moving side plate, whilst still being quick and easy to open even with gloves on
  • A red marker provides a visual warning when the moving side plate is unlocked
  • That the large swivel eye can accept up to three carabiners
  • The smooth surfaces of the swivel allows for direct connection to rope or webbing
  • That the Petzl Spin has a high 95% efficiency.

The Petzl Spin pulleys excel in industrial roping applications as well as wilderness rescue environments.


pdfPetzl Spin Pulley Technical Notice

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